Grin Remote Monitoring

Streamlining Orthodontic Care With Remote Monitoring

At Houston Orthodontic Specialists, we’re all about making orthodontic treatment as convenient and efficient as possible for our patients. One way we do that is with Grin® remote dental monitoring app. Whether you’re busy, heading to college or you’ve moved away, we can track your treatment progress from anywhere with this state-of-the-art, digital orthodontic platform.

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What is Grin Remote Monitoring?

Grin allows us to offer virtual check-ups, which eliminates unnecessary in-person appointments and enables us to treat patients from wherever they are. Using a reusable mouthpiece we’ll provide you with that attaches to your smartphone, you’ll take orthodontist-ready scans of your teeth in less than 60 seconds. You’ll then submit the scans for your orthodontist to review through the Grin dental monitoring app on your phone. Since you’ll only have to come to the office when you need to, you’ll get the smile of your dreams while spending less time in our chair.


How Does the Grin Remote Dental Monitoring App Work?

  1. We’ll give you access to the Grin app and a reusable mouthpiece that attaches to your smartphone.
  2. Your orthodontist will determine how often you should check in (usually once a week).
  3. When it’s time for your virtual check-up, you’ll use the mouthpiece to take scans of your teeth with your smartphone and submit them through the app.
  4. Your Houston or Bellaire orthodontist will use Grin remote dental monitoring software to process your scans, allowing them to compare your scans to past images and see your progress in real time.
  5. Dr. Tabakman, Dr. Bloome or Dr. Mount will send you a secure, HIPAA-compliant message through the app letting you know if your prescribed tooth movements have happened and whether or not your treatment is on track. They can also tell you if it’s time to move on to your next Invisalign® tray or if you should wear your current aligners for a little while longer.

Will I Still Be Working With an Orthodontist?

Yes! With Grin, your orthodontist will be by your side every step of the way and you can communicate with Houston Orthodontic Specialists at any time. In fact, Grin remote dental monitoring gives your orthodontist more control than ever before over your treatment. They can make adjustments to your treatment plan if needed and confirm that it’s progressing without you having to come in for an appointment. You get flexibility and convenience with doctor oversight.

What Are the Benefits of Grin Remote Dental Monitoring?

You might be surprised at just how easy it is to get the smile you want with a busy, active schedule!

  • Remote check-ups cut down on the number of in-person appointments you have, saving you time.

  • Your orthodontist can more closely monitor your tooth movements, giving them maximum control for better results.

  • You can submit your scans from anywhere, making it an ideal option for college students, patients who have moved away, those with busy schedules or people who are self-isolating.

  • We can make adjustments and tweaks on the fly to prevent issues that could interfere with your treatment or make it last longer.

  • All of your data is in one place, allowing your orthodontist to compare previous images, check in on your progress and answer questions quickly.

  • In-person appointments can be scheduled at the most optimal time based on your unique needs and progress.

  • You’ll play an active role in your own treatment, which can be motivating and empowering.

  • You’ll have peace of mind knowing your new smile is shaping up according to plan.